
Dehydration Treatments Offered in Minot, ND

When you feel thirsty, you’re experiencing the early stages of dehydration which can cause more stark symptoms like muscle cramps, headaches, and fatigue as it worsens. At Legacy Health Clinic in Minot, North Dakota, Cimberly Berg-Hooker, FNP-BC, and her colleagues provide customizable IV therapy kits, including those specifically formulated to help you gain and retain water. Call Legacy Health Clinic for dehydration treatment, or schedule an appointment online today. 

What is dehydration?

Dehydration occurs when you don’t have sufficient water in your body. As water makes up about 55-60% of your body, it’s essential to ensure that you drink enough fluids and that your body can retain them.   Even if you do drink enough water, you can quickly become dehydrated because of:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive sweating
  • Excessive urination
  • Diuretic medications

At Legacy Health Clinic, Cim evaluates you to determine if dehydration is the underlying cause of your symptoms. If thirst is your only symptom, you’re only mildly dehydrated and can get the fluids you need by drinking more water. A drink with electrolytes can help you retain water if you’ve lost a lot from vomiting, excessive sweating, or diarrhea.

What are some signs of dehydration?

Many people don’t realize they’re dehydrated and don’t seek the treatment they need because they don’t recognize the signs of dehydration. Some of them might surprise you, while others, like thirst, are fairly obvious.  Beyond feeling thirsty or having a dry mouth, you might notice dehydration symptoms such as:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • A dry cough
  • Constipation
  • Dry or itchy eyes
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swollen feet
  • Heat intolerance
  • Dark-colored or odorous urine
  • Low blood pressure with a high heart rate

In addition to physical symptoms like these, you might experience a few psychological symptoms when you’re not retaining enough water because dehydration shrinks the blood vessels that supply your brain with oxygen. You might feel confused, anxious, or irritable. 

How is dehydration treated?

Legacy Health Clinic specializes in electrolyte-rich, hydrating IV therapy services that you can get to hydrate quickly and reduce symptoms of dehydration. While any type of IV therapy from the clinic’s wide selection can result in better fluid retention by introducing fluids and electrolytes into your system, the Quench IV Kit is specifically formulated to combat dehydration.  The Quench IV Kit is full of premium-quality compounds to help replenish your fluids and help you retain them. As with any other IV option, you can customize your treatment with various IV add-ons, such as Zofran to minimize nausea and vomiting or vitamin B12 to address a deficiency.  To learn more about how dehydration affects your body and how IV therapy can help, call Legacy Health Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.

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